Author Archives: Shaine Alleman

Respond to My Social Media Faux Pas? #Bqhatevwr!

Scott Brown, the former Massachusetts Senator, had a pretty interesting weekend…and for the rest of us, we still don’t know what happened. Before the elections last year, it was quite apparent that most of Brown’s tweets were crafted and sent out by his staffers. However, after he lost the election to Elizabeth Warren, it seemed […]

Facebook Antics and Your First Amendment Rights

Well, look who became one of the internet’s most-hated women. I introduce to you Lindsey Stone of Plymouth, MA, who thought it would be gut-busting hilarious to be “loud and disrespectful” in one of the nation’s most hallowed ground, The Arlington Cemetery. After taking this fine photo, she decided to post it on Facebook at […]

KitchenAid Whips Up a Good Social Media Crisis Response

Last week, while the Presidential candidates were duking it out on stage in Colorado, another battle was waging behind the scenes on Twitter. During the debate, President Obama attempted to rebut Romney’s healthcare voucher program by analogizing a story from his dear, sweet grandmother’s life. Immediately, amongst the many people exercising their free speech rights […]

Facebook Gives the FTC an Earful on Privacy

Privacy issues are all the rage lately when it comes to social media use on both a personal and professional level. Yet another issue has reared its head against Facebook. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a notice to seek public comments on proposed modifications to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (aka the […]

SOPA – The Pirates Are Coming to Loot…Are you Ready to be Plundered?

It has been intriguing to see the comments and analysis of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) over the past few weeks. For the most part, this legislation has been viewed as a speech squelching, entrepreneur killing, economy halting piece of legislation. After personally reading SOPA (yes, all 78 pages), I find some merit to these arguments and it appears that too much power would be put into […]

Staffers Gone Wild – Protecting Your Business from Damaging Social Media Content

Recently, an episode of “Staffers Gone Wild” played out on the internet with the unbelievable tweets of government staff members being broadcast for all to see. Isn’t it comforting to know that your hard earned tax dollars are being spent to fund the watching of Nirvana videos or support drinking while on the job? I’m […]