Do You Have (or are you) a SHI@#Y Manager?

Management is all about connecting with the people on your team. So how do you effectively manage a team? With common knowledge, of course.

How many of you wish you could paste this statement 1,000+ times on your manager’s door/desk/forehead?

Or maybe you’ve been a manager and wish you would have read this BEFORE you were an A$% to your employees…

Before I share a list of some tips for managers, let me say this: management is not all it’s cracked up to be and here’s why:

  • Salary SUCKS, especially if you’re motivated to hit goals and exceed expectations. Sure, all “salaried” positions are different I’m sure; but a salaried job that has no perks or bonuses for exceptional effort? Come on managers…
  • More hours, more hours, more hours. In my time as a manager, work was something I often took home with me whether I wanted to or not. Deadlines, roll-outs, new launches, whatever – things had to be done before they were really ready to be shared with the world.
  • Most managers are really in “middle management” roles; they most likely don’t have the final say. Tell me about your experience in management – I could be wrong on this one.

Now that I have that off my chest, let’s review 51 of the best tips to help managers be less “SHI@#Y”:

51 No-Brainer Tips to Avoid Sub-Par Management

  1. Only promise what you can realistically deliver
  2. Set clear goals.
  3. Organize a team.
  4. Create milestones.
  5. Keep communication open.
  6. Do it right the first time.
  7. Make sure expectations are clear.
  8. Don’t make your employees come in on days they’re normally not scheduled to work or call them while they’re on vacation.
  9. Don’t play favorites.
  10. Give credit when it’s due.
  11. Don’t micromanage.
  12. Don’t interfere with employees’ work.
  13. Don’t push unreasonable deadlines.
  14. Keep your promises.
  15. Reward hard work.
  16. Provide motivation.
  17. Be open to constructive criticism.
  18. Accept responsibility.
  19. Know there’s always room for improvement.
  20. Explain things simply.
  21. Instruct rather than order.
  22. Include your staff in your plans.
  23. Know your subordinates’ jobs.
  24. Be flexible.
  25. Get regular feedback.
  26. Get the most out of meetings.
  27. Focus your energy on things that matter.
  28. Do your least favorite tasks first.
  29. Make sure employees are well compensated.
  30. Invest in solid technology.
  31. Update when necessary.
  32. Differentiate your products.
  33. Remember that the customer is the boss.
  34. Retain customers as much as you recruit new ones.
  35. Provide effective channels of communication.
  36. Provide effective after-sales services.
  37. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know.
  38. Don’t fight change.
  39. Adopt a predictive managerial style.
  40. Identify the positives.
  41. Be quick to adapt.
  42. Keep an eye on the competition.
  43. Stand up for employees.
  44. Get the facts first.
  45. Lead by example.
  46. Make a difference to your employees.
  47. Gain your employees’ trust and respect.
  48. Be unique as a manager.
  49. Remember that ethics matter above all.
  50. Be on the lookout for new ideas.
  51. Get to know your employees.

There you have it!

Which are your favorites?


Are there ways you can apply these tips even if you’re NOT in management? (ie. running an online marketing company)

What are ways you can help your current manager apply these principles without being looked down on as a “trouble maker” or “negative energy” to your company?

Nate Moller works with businesses who want to improve their online business. For over five years, he’s worked with thousands of companies who are looking for answers in their online marketing journey. Follow Nate on Twitter and become a fan of Moller Marketing on Facebook!

6 thoughts on “Do You Have (or are you) a SHI@#Y Manager?

  1. Monty says:

    Oh My Gosh where to start Nate, Great Article This topic gets me fired up I have had the “opportunity” to work for some really S&*^ty managers, plus I know when i first started managing I to fell under the category

    Let me know when you want to write a book on this topic. You nailed the middle management issue, It is a problem when you typically are not setting the goals for your department, they are set for you.

    Management Oops Number 1. You then must set arbitrary goals for you employees based upon the arbitrary goals set for you, The fun part is then holding your employees accountable for goals that are unrealistic.

    I found out early in my career the difference between Leadership and Management, these two are often confused.

    Management is doing things correctly and ensuring the fiscal health of your department and or business. It has to do with things.

    Leadership is doing things for the right reasons (ethics). Leadership is how you treat people.

    How many times have we been asked to perform in a manner that is not in alignment with our standards?

    I would like to add one to your list

    52? do not reprimand using email, have the juevos to have a conversation face to face, using email for this purpose is called Chicken S#$% Management :-. If you need a paper trail then put the conversation in writing with signatures and witnesses

    Great Post!!!

  2. Nate Moller says:

    Spoken from the heart! Thanks for the comment Monty. I really respect you and appreciate the feedback. I agree with Leadership vs. Management too. It seems to me that “Management” has more to do with maintaining status quo where Leadership (which I would really want in my own company) is taking your team to new levels via innovation and team work.


  3. Ana @ Deceased Estate Sales says:

    I have one I’d like to add! “Don’t throw the hot potato over to your team.”

    Th worst managers that I’ve ever worked with used to avoid all the unpleasant situations by simply disappearing or making their members of the staff do it. That is absolutely unacceptable if you want to be a good manager. If you are there to take the credits for a job well done, be there during the rough times as well!

  4. Ann says:

    Hi Nate,
    Wow, what a list! I will have to go with 11-43-44. All of those seem to me to be a giant snake pit to fall into. They need out support but not interference, so once you’ve given the assignment, you’re through. Then they need us to stand behind them always. And, finally they need us to stand up for them before we get the facts!! Thanks for sharing, nice post.

  5. Nik@Career Coaching says:

    Great list,

    Unfortunately being a great manager can only be achieved in great organisations. So many of these tips are directly influenced by the managers manager and his manager.

    Most managers would love to be great, they are just not allowed.


  6. Robin says:

    I really like “lead by example.” It’s a simple one, but it’s really effective if the manager is a true leader worth respecting. Otherwise, workers are more inclined to break rules and the like. Thanks for sharing.

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