Twitter Getting More Offline Love – Its About Time

As I was driving home yesterday from the Cardinals game (which I will be posting about) I heard a local radio station telling people to follow them on Twitter, and to check their Twitter page out for the latest updates and contests etc. I was super impressed to hear this. I have been wondering why […]

What Movie Made Me Ask Blockbuster For My Money Back?

…And what movies did I love this year? —————————————————-> I told my wife I am not going to work today, so I thought I would blog about something non work related, and still get my blog fix in for the day … heh! A couple of the Christmas gifts I got this year were DVDs […]

Tracking Santa May Lead To Loss Of Laptop

Warning – checking out the Santa Tracker via – NORAD may lead to the loss of your computer! I was working on some stuff and noticed a tweet by @factive about losing his laptop to his kids due to the Santa Tracker:  So I decided to show my kids (not heeding the hidden warning) and […]

What Good Are Viral Campaigns, If You’re Not Making Sales?

On the 97th Floor SEO Blog where I post about viral campaigns every Friday, I got asked this questions about what good viral campaigns do, if they sell no product?  Its a fair question to the un-learned (maybe not by the type of person that asked it – proclaimed SEO) I guess.  The problem with […]

Creating a Viral Marketing Campaign

The other day I was talking with a friend about common methods used to create a good viral campaign via written or rich media. We started talking about some of our favorite videos on YouTube, etc. and ended up spending an hour watching all kinds of funny, inspirational viral media. This got me thinking about […]

How to be a Business Owner and Enjoy the Holidays

I have been spending a lot of time lately trying to juggle business and family time with the upcoming holiday’s, as I’m sure many of you business owners are doing as well.  I’m not going away this year, so being at home and being a business owner, and a workaholic means I need to set […]

Now Is The Time To Take Advantage of Search Marketing

The Setting Resolutions Trend! I have been reading a lot lately about marketing resolutions for 2009, and rather then share what mine are personally – or what my companies are – I thought I would give some insight as to what trends I am starting to see, and what I feel is going to be […]