Increase in Quarter-Over-Quarter Traffic
Increase in Year-Over-Year Organic Traffic
Increase in Year-Over-Year Organic Transactions
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Foam Order has been a leading source of custom-cut cushion solutions and top-quality foam products for home and commercial use since 1999.
When Foam Order became an Avalaunch Media client, a first order of business was to give their website some much-needed TLC. It had a lot of outdated and stale content that wasn’t performing. Our teams did some digging and discovered that the underperforming content was preventing the rest of the site’s content from ranking on Google. The company didn’t have the bandwidth to keep up with their SEO or to perform regular content quality audits.
Foam Order counted on Avalaunch Media to do a full analysis of their website and determine what could be improved to boost their SEO.
Keep, Delete, Redirect, Revamp
Avalaunch approached Foam Order’s content by putting each piece into one of four buckets: keep, delete, redirect, or revamp. If the page fell into the “keep” category, that meant it had performed well and should remain on the site. Otherwise, the piece was considered outdated, irrelevant, or not worth fixing. Resources that had more relevant pre-existing resources on the website were redirected to these pages. Finally, the pages we decided to revamp were put on our content calendar and reworked to improve the quality.
In the end, we reduced Foam Order’s indexable pages from 1308 to 748.
Much of Foam Order’s revamped content was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, but that didn’t inhibit the company’s growth. Avalaunch helped them achieve an impressive 57% increase in quarter-over-quarter traffic, an 18% increase in year-over-year traffic, and an 8% increase in year-over-year transactions.