Facebook Ads = Crappy Relevance?

Is This Google Ad Relevant?
Is This Google Ad Relevant?

As I was in my Facebook the other day this ad was showing up, and it raised the question about relevance. (and several other questions)

Would an ad like this be allowed on Google?  I am still not aware of the quality scores on Facebook ads, but would you actually click on this ad? Do you really think that a girl with … two obvious features is going to help make you 10k a month?  I am thinking these are very poor ads that will have a low conversion rate.  Who cares if the CTR is high, its all about the conversion IMO.

I guess Facebook just wants to cash in because I think these ads are crap.  Look, I get it – sex sells, but why would you waste money on these kind of ads?  They would be better off, and probably make more money if they had a page to other “Google Girls” and had adsense on the page with links to a contest, or “Submit your Google Girl pictures here?”

THAT, would be more relevant and give users more of a reason to click – Don’t ya think?

5 thoughts on “Facebook Ads = Crappy Relevance?

  1. John says:

    Facebook is full of these get rich quick scam ads.
    See: http://wafflesatnoon.com/2009/03/01/what-is-facebook-thinking/#more-535
    and http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/web/facebook-took-ads-for-getrichquick-scam/2009/02/26/1235237798521.html

    Not sure how these ads fit in with Facebooks strategy of improving it’s product! “Facebook too is focused on ‘improving its product’ rather than ‘doing a MySpace’ and flooding the site with ads. If it did that, Thiel said, it could make as much as $1bn a year from advertising if it “turned on all the dials”.” Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/pda/2009/mar/02/twitter-facebook

  2. Thos003 says:

    Ha! You know I use to tell my sisters, “Sure you’ll get a lot more attention for guys wearing that sleazy mini skirt, but those aren’t the guys you want attention from.”

    Same holds true here.

    Facebook ads can be very powerful, but seriously, they should cut the crap.
    .-= Thos003´s last blog ..Is Facebook Really that Bad? =-.

  3. Spammer Says: says:

    Facebook ads can be very powerful, but seriously, they should cut the crap.You definitely have a great post over here! I am starting to understand better how making money using blog works. Thank you.

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