Visualizing the Future of Infographics

Digital marketing trends come and go, but one constant is that “visuals sell.” Humans have shorter attention spans these days and while we struggle to remember what we read — it’s much more likely we’ll retain what we see. We’re visual creatures. That’s why infographics continue to provide easy wins for businesses that use the medium’s flexible data-sharing, storytelling qualities. Going viral — getting shared enough to bring in new business and open sales conversations — is the marketer’s goal these days. But how many times does a purely written piece go viral? To be honest — rarely, if ever. To go viral today, content has to be visual, or at least (as with this blog) a combination of written content and visuals. Studies show people following directions with text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations. In 2017, smart businesses produce infographics with a view to repurposing for a range of platforms and uses. Almost three-quarters of marketers employ visuals in their social media messaging. Infographics make the perfect donor source for these smaller micrographics and social media snackables. The ideal infographic should be punchy, visually arresting, contain minimal written content and maximum data visualization. Agencies such as Avalaunch Media design infographics to be pulled apart easily for optimized display on all social media platforms. This offers investing businesses maximum bang for their buck.

*Infographic Creation in Utah

Video sure is a hot trend in visual marketing. But infographics also continue to evolve. This year, Utah-based Avalaunch Media was called upon to create animated infographics, that we call gifographics. Check out this Rocky-themed gifographic created for Wordstream. The visual interest created by moving elements took this infographic to another level. This type of animated infographic combines the best of visual marketing in 2018 — video-like movement and engagement in an emailable or tweetable form. If you don’t have infographics in your arsenal, it’s better late than never. Infographics are “liked” and shared on social media three times more than other any other type of content — a primary reason why 74% of social media marketers use infographic-based visual assets in their social media marketing, ahead of blogs (68%) and videos (60%). Avalaunch Media is a pioneer of data visualization, having produced thousands of infographics over the past decade for all types of clients. A flick through our portfolio should convince you — particularly considering the advent of animated infographics and the opportunity for social media leverage — that the infographic era is only just beginning.  

1 thoughts on “Visualizing the Future of Infographics

  1. Mason John says:

    Nice post very informative…. Endorsed myself too info graphics really attract the user and summarize the topic quickly and easy to understand…..Moreover, video animations also play a vital role in digital marketing era..

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