Thought leadership. WorkFront wanted to expand its brand and define itself as the thought leader in the project management software industry. Its goal was to produce content that would be shared socially, linked-to regularly and posted by top-tier publications.


Interactive engagement. The Avalaunch and Workfront teams worked together to brainstorm concepts that communicated new and engaging ideas. Avalaunch then conducted research around the ideas to create com- pelling content pieces. The content was taken to the next level with interac- tive elements and storytelling injected into the content projects. With this concept, the Work is Hell parallax was born.


Top-tier pick-up. With continual investment in great shareable content, Work- front has established itself as one of the top producers of data-driven visual content. Workfront has created a content library to showcase its assets at As a result of its quality content and engaging visuals, top-tier publications such as Inc., Forbes,, Business Insider and others have sourced, shared and published articles around their content.