A “Joint” Effort: Engaging AKPC Patients Through Marketing Automation


Arthritis Knee Pain Centers

Business Type:
B2C — Medical

Project Goal:
Retain & Reengage Patients — Marketing Automation

The Challenge

Arthritis Knee Pain Centers (AKPC) specializes in providing relief through injection treatments to help individuals suffering from knee arthritis. As they embarked on their journey to enhance patient care and engagement, the challenge they brought to us was to set up effective marketing automation flows to streamline the patient journey. This path would involve consultative appointments, follow-up communications, the medical procedure itself, post-treatment information, and follow-up treatments scheduled six months later. 

Because viscosupplementation requires ongoing checkups and injections that build on each other, continuous patient engagement is critical. Our goal was to leverage marketing automation to retain and reengage prospective patients, both during the initial consultative phase and after their first treatment.

The Approach

Our approach to meeting AKPC’s challenge was to craft comprehensive marketing automation flows tailored to the unique needs of their patient journey. Collaborating closely with AKPC, we expanded upon their existing framework and brought it to a new level of depth and effectiveness. Our approach focused on refining the patient journey with automated email campaigns, streamlining engagement, and improving patient retention:

  • In-depth flow development: AKPC’s existing framework for the patient journey was a good foundation that we took to new heights with a detailed focus on each step of the process, from initial consultations to post-treatment follow-ups.
  • Email message development: A critical aspect of the strategy was creating a full-funnel email series. These messages were carefully designed to address common patient challenges, including missed screenings, continued consideration of treatment, and post-care follow-up.
  • Highly targeted approach: By leveraging highly targeted emails sent through Salesforce Marketing Cloud, our team ensured that the right message reached the right audience at the right time.
  • Streamlined customer journey: Implementing automated emails was pivotal in moving patients smoothly through the funnel. The well-structured email sequences ensured that every touchpoint along the patient journey was optimized for engagement and satisfaction.

AKPC Marketing Automation Strategy

AKPC Marketing Automation Strategy

The Results

Our collaboration with AKPC was a success, resulting in a highly effective and streamlined patient journey with remarkable outcomes. The success was largely due to the more than 30 automated emails that were carefully designed and sent from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to AKPC’s extensive recipient base of over 20,000 patients. These emails were tailored to meet the diverse needs of patients and were dispatched with precision to ensure that the right message was delivered at the right time. 

What sets this achievement apart is the effectiveness of the email campaigns, with an impressive average open rate of 25% and a click-through rate of 8.5%. These metrics are a testament to the engaging content that resonated with AKPC’s patients and prompted them to take action. Our email-driven strategy streamlined the patient journey and helped overcome common challenges such as missed screenings and retained patient interest in treatment. By targeting and re-engaging patients during critical stages of their healthcare journey, AKPC realized substantial benefits from our approach.

If you are looking for a knee and joint pain center marketing agency, please reach out to us for a free consultation. We have over 20 years of experience in digital marketing for knee pain centers and would love to talk.