Haus of Aesthetics’ Marketing Automation Glow Up


Haus of Aesthetics

Business Type:
Beauty and Wellness

Project Goal:
Grow Subscriber List & Obtain New Bookings

The Challenge

Haus of Aesthetics, a prominent player in Utah’s aesthetics industry, sought to enhance customer engagement and drive conversions through marketing automation. Their primary challenge was effectively utilizing email newsletters and automation to rebrand the business and establish deeper connections with their clientele. The goal was to boost customer interaction by encouraging recipients to either fill out a form or book an appointment.

The Approach

To address Haus of Aesthetics’ challenge and achieve their marketing automation objectives, we implemented a comprehensive strategy with the following key elements:


  • Newsletter Strategy: We designed a newsletter strategy that included sending 1-2 newsletters per month. These newsletters served as a platform to announce the rebrand and connect with customers on a more personal level. The primary call to action in these newsletters was to encourage recipients to fill out a form or book an appointment.


  • Segmentation: We meticulously segmented the email lists to target various recipient groups, including current clients, historical lists, and those who engaged in the last three months. This segmentation ensured that the content was relevant to each recipient.


  • Alle Rewards Campaigns: We launched a loyalty campaign through Alle Rewards, which yielded excellent engagement with a remarkable 32% average open rate and a 2.4% average click rate. These campaigns effectively utilized personalization to engage recipients and drive interaction.


  • Popup Forms: We implemented pop-up forms on the website, which garnered impressive results with 184 new sign-ups and an average submission rate of 5.45%. These forms served as a key mechanism for capturing leads and encouraging customer interaction.

Marketing Automation Strategy for Haus of Aesthetics

Marketing Automation Strategy for Haus of Aesthetics

Haus of aesthetics email portfolio.

The Results

Our marketing automation efforts for Haus of Aesthetics have yielded significant results. Through an in-depth analysis of our campaigns, we found that our email newsletters consistently engaged the audience, with the January Newsletter exhibiting an impressive 32% open rate and the May Newsletter standing out with a high click rate of 1.5%. Our Alle Rewards campaign achieved a noteworthy 31% open rate and a remarkable 2.4% click rate, highlighting the effectiveness of our personalization strategies in driving engagement. 

Additionally, through the implementation of pop-up forms, we delivered exceptional results, including an impressive 5.45% submission rate; this signifies our successful capture of leads and an evident increase in customer engagement. Our outcomes demonstrate the tangible benefits of our marketing automation approach, not only in enhancing brand identity but also in strengthening customer connections, fostering increased interaction, and driving conversions.

January Newsletter:

Sent: 7,045

32% Open Rate

1% Click Rate


February Newsletter:

Sent: 7,082

12% Open Rate

0.5% Click Rate


Alle Rewards/Double Points:

31% Open Rate

2.4% Click Rate


March Newsletter:

Sent: 7,214

10% Open Rate

0.5% Click Rate


April Newsletter:

Sent: 7,261

12.5% Open Rate

0.5% Click Rate


May Newsletter:

Sent: 7,264

14% Open Rate

1.5% Click Rate

Through effective marketing automation, Haus of Aesthetics not only rebranded successfully but also strengthened its connections with customers, ultimately driving increased interaction and conversions.

Avalaunch Media is a seasoned Utah email marketing agency and has over two decades of running successful campaigns for companies. If you are looking to start or optimize your email marketing, please reach out to us today for a free consultation.