A Social Media Bark-Off of Epic Purrportions – Paws vs Claws [VOTE]

Earlier this year we brought kitties and internet lovers together to explain social media (to the clueless) in an infographic we like to call Social MEowDIA. Social MEowDia Explained

Copy and paste the code below if you want to embed the graphic:

The reaction from the social media pros and cat enthusiasts was nothing short of amazing. In fact, the response was so great that we had to see if dog lovers would get behind a “paws” version of the graphic.  Without further adieu, we give to you, Social MEDogIA — Social MeDOGia Explained

Copy and paste the code below if you want to embed the graphic:

So, as the ultimate test of whether dogs or cats truly rule Social Media, we are sponsoring a contest, a bark-off, if you will. And we want your vote!
Paws vs. Claws
A social media bark off of epic purr-portions – Who is going to win? The Cats or Dogs?
To give it even more meaning we’ve partnered with The Humane Society of The United States and NEADS/Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans to raise awareness and money for animal welfare and rights. During the entire month of July, we will host a contest pitting paws vs. claws in which we’ll crown one species — the one which best “explains social media” — the winner! And to make it sweeter, we’re going to be asking for donations, not just votes! Yes, you too can donate by clicking here and pitching in $5, $50 or $500 towards the charity pot. Who gets the money and how?  We will be tallying the PAWS vs CLAWS votes between July 1 and July 31. Voting closes at 12:01 AM PST on August 1, 2013. neads-logoIf the PAWS win:  We’ll donate all ⅔ of the proceeds to the National Education for Assistance Dog Services http://www.neads.org a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides independence to people who are deaf or have a disability through the use of canine assistance.
humane-logoIf the CLAWS win:  We’ll donate ⅔ of the processed to The Humane Society of the United States —  http://www.humanesociety.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the nation’s largest animal protection organization.
After you vote, we will give you a blog badge for voting.  Please help us spread the word for this great cause by sharing your pet allegiance with the rest of the interwebs and by getting all of your non-furry friends (humans) to vote too!

Share your vote with the code below


Share your vote with the code below

If you want to be social, and share your pet allegiance through Facebook, Twitter, or your social-network of choice, here are the offical promotion hashtags: #pawsvsclaws – for the contest #votedpaws – if you voted for the CATS to win #votedclaws – if you voted for the DOGS to win  So, go and vote!  

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