Author Archives: Mekenna Epperson

how does social media affect marketing

How Does Social Media Affect Marketing?

Contrary to its name, social media is no longer just for posting pics of your dinner to friends and family. Today, it’s about businesses sharing valuable content — including marketing content — to build communities. But not all businesses are taking advantage of the major marketing opportunity that social media provides. According to InTouch Marketing, […]


Are Facebook Ads Worth It?

Facebook is no longer just a platform for staying connected with friends — it’s also become a major marketing platform. According to Hubspot research, Facebook ads account for over 9% of all digital ad spending and nearly 19% of mobile digital marketing worldwide! Why are so many businesses investing in Facebook ads, you may ask?  […]

what is digital marketing

What Is Digital Marketing?

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is advertising by integrating all digital channels and techniques, such as email marketing, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and other channels to generate leads and turn them into customers. Let’s dive deeper into digital marketing and discuss common marketing strategies of today and how you can use them […]


The Benefits of Using One Agency for SEO and PPC Management

Developing an Integrated Strategy for Your PPC and SEO Campaign One of the most common questions clients digital marketers get is whether a search engine optimization (SEO) or a pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign is the more advantageous strategy for gaining visibility on a search engine. The answer? You need both for maximum impact; SEO and […]

Utah local SEO

A Local Utah SEO Guide to Staying in Business During Coronavirus

As the coronavirus crisis continues to escalate, many small business owners are losing hope of navigating their business successfully through the pandemic, so we have developed a local Utah SEO guide to help. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) reported that on March 23, 2020, 76% of small businesses said they had already been […]

Using Marketing to Succeed During a Recession

Using Marketing to Succeed During a Recession

An economic recession is a natural stage of the US economic cycle. A recession can be especially intimidating to businesses large and small, but it can also provide a unique opportunity for companies to focus on their marketing strategy more than ever before and gain a competitive advantage.  McGraw-Hill Research conducted a study on 600 […]