Why 2019 Is the Year to Start Using Marketing Automation

No Slowdown in the Digital World It’s an exciting time to be alive in the marketing world. More glass ceilings of industry are broken every day, innovation has never been more prevalent, and with the new year coming in hot, the overarching goal is to keep the momentum going. With Q1 underway and a clean […]

3 Proven Ways to Get Your Business in Local News

Morgan writes about literally anything for Avalaunch media clients. Before Avalaunch she endured trial by fire, water, and bureaucracy as a television reporter for local networks. She thinks skiing is worth moving to Utah and dating long-distance. Relationships between local news media and businesses can be mutually beneficial. For businesses, it’s free publicity and brand […]

Improve Your Outreach Success in 3 Easy Steps

Hunter Van Ry is an Enterprise SEO Manager at Avalaunch Media, focused on custom outreach approaches for brands across every industry. He owns and operates Frenchplanations, the best resource for learning French on the web, and also works on All Language Resources, a website dedicated to helping language learners find the resources they need. Whether […]

Three Benefits of Using Marketing Automation to Connect with Consumers

Twenty years ago the marketing trend was email marketing. Ten years ago the trend was social media. Five years ago, marketers learned the power of video marketing. In the marketing industry today, the new trend is marketing automation. The newest marketing tool is here and predicted to be valued at over $7 billion by the […]

New-Age Copywriting: 5 Trends to Watch Out For

A lot is said about changes in search engine optimization, pay-per-click, and social media strategy. These things are fluid, and rising and falling trends are to be expected. But did you know that copywriting morphs just as much, and paying attention to the changes will help you better target your audience? Here’s how copywriting is […]

The Evolution of the Blue Yeti Award

The fame. The glory. The Blue Yeti Award. Symbolizing raw talent and sheer, utter genius, the Blue Yeti Award is a revered cultural experience for team members at Avalaunch Media. Every two weeks, the company founders consult each other (and management) to identify an employee who has demonstrated effort and attitude worthy of receiving the […]

Pitch Decks: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Over the years at Avalaunch Media, we’ve produced countless visual presentations for companies large and small, aiming to transform complex, forgettable dribble to elegant, persuasive wisdom. We’ve seen all manner of decks: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. And that’s great, because it means we have an important role to play in helping individuals […]

Double Diamond Digital Day with Google

Double Diamond Digital: Taking Your Customers From Base to Summit Being a Google Premier Partner definitely has its perks, including the opportunity to co-host digital marketing summits. This April we brought in the most influential minds in digital media to speak at our Double Diamond Digital Conference hosted at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts […]

The Story Behind #Avalaunchgivesback / Corporate Giving Guide

Avalaunch Gives Back to the Community Several years ago, my uncle and I were on a roadtrip to Las Vegas for the Mountain West Conference Basketball Tournament. We spoke about many things—our favorite movies, family gossip, who we thought would win the tournament, and countless things I can’t remember—but I will never forget the conversation […]