Author Archives: Nate Moller

How to Work Your Way Out of Corporate America Hell

Yes, this is a post targeted directly at some of my closest friends who are still tied down by the chains of Corporate America. I probably don’t speak to them often enough; it’s not because I don’t like them, it’s simply because each time we meet and begin talking, the conversation turns negative nine times […]

New Firefox 8.0 Doesn’t Support My Favorite Add-Ons

If you hadn’t heard, Mozilla Firefox released another new update. I don’t mind updates, but this one forced me to complain a bit. As a pretty consistent blogger, I frequently will take pictures of sections of a website with an Add-On called Screengrabber. Screengrabber would allow me to simply copy a section of a page, […]

7 Life-Changing Productivity Tips That Lead to Business Success

In an effort to “practice what I preach”, I was stumbling for ideas last night and came upon one that really hit home. I’m coming on my one year anniversary of self-employment (November 1st); I’ve learned a lot about myself, my motivation, and mostly about areas where I can improve. Productivity is “the state of […]

Negative Social Media Comes Back to Bite Pastor Robert Jeffress

UPDATE: Is Perry taking our advice about social media when a conversation turns negative? Doesn’t really look like it. Here’s what he had to say today: While Perry has largely avoided questions on the subject, he told reporters in Iowa on Friday he does not consider Mormonism a cult. And his campaign released a statement […]

Do You Have (or are you) a SHI@#Y Manager?

Management is all about connecting with the people on your team. So how do you effectively manage a team? With common knowledge, of course. How many of you wish you could paste this statement 1,000+ times on your manager’s door/desk/forehead? Or maybe you’ve been a manager and wish you would have read this BEFORE you […]

16 of the Stupidest Job Titles for a Social Media Specialist

Hey psycho traditional marketers, Social Media is here to stay. In fact, in my opinion, if your business doesn’t have a blog and isn’t practicing social media on a fairly consistent basis, you’re going to be passed up in SERPs and in market share by some of the younger generation marketers that “get it”. I […]

Why Using Blogger is Mostly for Cat Bloggers (and NOT Business)

ATTENTION BLOGGERS: This isn’t new info. In fact, it was actually filmed in 2009; but the content is STILL applicable today. I’ve worked with way too many clients lately who are determined to keep their blogspot blog even though they want me to build them a custom WordPress Website. In addition to that, they want […]